Tag: nissan leaf

  • Everything You Want to Know About EV Charging – My Adventure

    There is only one kind of gas station but there are so many different EV charge stations. There are different charging networks and different equipment manufacturers and standards. I will share with you my adventures at various EV charge stations and the mistakes I made. If there are people at the charge station ahead of…

  • 5 Mistakes Made at Various EV Charging Stations

    I will share with you 5 mistakes I made at various charging stations. You may feel embarrassed if there are people around, but you should be grateful if there is someone around the station who can explain things to you. When there was no one around, I had to spent a long time to figure…

  • Flat Tire-My Most Embarrassing Moments,Unbelievable, I’m Shocked

    I am pretty handy and resourceful but I have to admit my recent most embarrassing moments. Although I’ve had many flat tires in the past, I was surprised and shocked at how little I knew about my new Nissan Leaf. This is the story: our new Nissan Leaf (a newly leased car) got a flat…